Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Matter of Tar and Money

Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk and see someone’s car get stuck in a pothole? That’s what happened to a friend of mine as he was walking to class. There he was minding his own business when a girl in her SUV drove straight into a pothole; course she did not see it because it had rained the night before and the water created an illusion of a slight dip. Her eyes were huge! Especially, when she realized she could not get out since one of her tires was deep in the hole.
This story was funny when it was told to me, but if I had been that girl, I would have been infuriated. What kind of city lets its roads be in such disrepair? Why is no money or tar going into our roads? They may be a little important, every so often, for the average Austinite. Sometimes I see major cracks in our roads and yes, they’ve been patched up, but six months later, we all know that they’ll have to be bandaged again.
Have you ever noticed just how wobbly some of the streets are? It is as though we are moving on jell-o. Am I the only one who wants something to be done? At times, you can barely drive in Austin. It is better to walk, which I know is the healthier route, but still we should not have these things like potholes and deteriorate go unnoticed. There could have been an accident if someone had been following that girl. Luckily, for her it was a small side road and nobody was there. Seriously though, Austin, let us try not to be weird for once and fix our roads.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I absolutely agree with “A Blue Dot in a Red State” about the state of our infrastructure. It’s bad and getting worse.

I work in downtown Austin and drive to work on 5th street then take 6th Street to Mopac to go home. The excessive pot holes, patched up old potholes, and random road construction screams that our streets are suffering incredible disrepair. One morning there might be a giant hole in one of the already tiny lanes and the next day it might be filled. Unfortunately, the fill does not make it much better and it becomes a circular speed bump. Cars swerve down 5th and 6th to dodge unfilled potholes and bounce off the bumps created by the fills, then swerve again because of the lane closures. It is frustrating and potentially dangerous. However, it is also somewhat embarrassing because there are luxury condos being built all over downtown. These upscale residents have to drive their luxury cars on these hazardous roads.

Enough venting. How do we fix it? I realize it is our hard-earned tax dollars that pay for our infrastructure, new and used. I don’t want to raise our tax base. So, I wonder the point of our toll road system? Wasn’t that revenue supposed to help pay for road repair? Bottom line – The state of our roads are in bad shape and dangerous for our drivers. It’s time to do something about it.